Virtual Academic Academy

SCH believes EVERY student is entitled to and should be provided with challenging educational experiences and opportunities to ensure full and meaningful participation in a global, diverse technology-oriented society. This belief allows the Virtual Academic Academy (VAA) to serve a diverse academic student population. The purpose of the VAA is to provide a quality, personalized learning curriculum for independent students who can master academic standards through a synchronous and asynchronous, five-day-a-week virtual learning option. THIS ACADEMY IS NOT FOR SUMMER SCHOOL OR ELEARNING DAYS!!!
Enrollment closes November 22, 2023. No applications will be accepted after this date.
For the 2023-2024 school year, VAA students in grades 5-12 will receive their education through a partnership with Indiana Online Academy (IOA). Courses are delivered synchronously (same time with the teacher) and asynchronously (own time away from the teacher). For core courses (English, Math, Science and Social Studies), students will receive synchronous instruction from their teacher following a daily schedule provided by IOA. Attendance will be required at these sessions. All electives and higher-level core courses (AP, Dual Credit) will be delivered asynchronously, but with an Indiana Online teacher leading the course. While these courses are not synchronous, active participation is required. Please refer to the Indiana Online Academy FAQ or Indiana Online Academy’s website for more information about the program. Please note that VAA students in grades 5 -12 will follow the IOA Academic Calendar. New VAA students in grades 5 -12 start January 4, 2024 and attend classes daily from 7AM – 2:45PM CST.
Successful students in this program are:
- Independent learners
- Organized
- Self-disciplined
- Communicative
- Prepared
- Encouraged and motivated from family and/or parents
Students in this program should have:
- Control over learning space
- The ability to work at their own pace, suitable to their learning style
- More one-on-one attention from teachers and staff
- A personalized learning experience, tailored to fit their needs
- Enrolled in Grades 5 -12
- Current School City of Hammond student
- GPA of 3.0 or greater from the Fall semester for secondary students
- As and Bs from the Fall semester for elementary students
- High school students must be current with credits
- 95% attendance (fewer than 5 days of missed classes for the semester)
- No suspensions or expulsions
- Students who receive special education services or have a medical need can only be placed in the Virtual Academy through a case conference process.
This program could be right for your student if they:
- Prefer learning outside of the traditional classroom setting.
- Prefer personalized learning and 1:1 contact with teacher.
- Are independent learners who are motivated, self-disciplined, and organized.
Students will follow a bell schedule and receive direct instruction from Indiana Online Academy (IOA) teachers five days a week. Students will follow the IOA Academic Calendar (and not the School City of Hammond calendar). Students are expected to log in daily to each online class for synchronous learning during the school hours provided by IOA (7:00AM – 2:45PM CST). A student’s schedule will be a combination of asynchronous (at their pace) and live Zoom courses. Attendance is required at the live Zoom courses and students must have their camera on and must be actively participating to be marked as "Present". Additionally, IOA will hold a weekly homeroom time on Mondays, as well as required learning opportunity time on Wednesdays where IOA teachers will provide additional support and resources for the students.
Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or greater for secondary or all As and Bs for elementary and maintain 95% attendance to stay in the academy. High School students cannot fail a course. Students must adhere to the rules found in the SCH Student and Parent Handbook, SCH Student Code of Conduct found on the SCH Website, and the Indiana Online Student Handbook found in the links below.
Yes, the student can be denied entry to the program if the student does not meet the requirements or if the program is at capacity.
Yes, if it is applicable to the course the student is enrolled in for learning the content.
Yes, the student will need to enroll in all grade level courses that are offered online.
Yes, students can still participate in extra-curricular activities (sports, clubs, dances) at their designated home school, which will be indicated in PowerSchool.
Yes, the teacher will provide additional support and resources for the student.
Yes, the teacher will communicate with the student and parent about the status of a course completion and academic progress. Students and families also have access to progress and grades through the IOA portal.
The parent and student will be informed after enrollment closes and before the semester begins with a letter of acceptance. Per the guidance in the acceptance letter, it is your responsibility to confirm you are still interested in your student's enrollment in the academy. Failure to confirm will result in your student not being allowed.
To remain in the Virtual Academic Academy, the student must meet and maintain the requirements below:
- Enrolled in Grades 5 -12
- Current School City of Hammond student
- GPA of 3.0 or greater for secondary students
- High School student cannot fail a course
- As and Bs for elementary students
- 95% attendance (fewer than 5 days of missed class for a semester)
- No suspensions or expulsions
The Virtual Academic Academy will open for applications at the end of each semester for enrollment into the following semester. If a student wants to transfer back to in-person learning, they must do so at the end of the semester.
Once students are accepted into the Virtual Academic Academy, they must finish out the semester in the program.
- Create Parent Portal Account
- High Ability Program
- Online Registration
- ParentSquare
- Password Manager (opens in new window)
- PowerSchool (opens in new window)
- School Calendars
- Student Services
- Virtual Academic Academy
- SCHOOL CITY OF HAMMOND Department of Health Services Medical History/Physical Form
- Sports Physical Form
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