District Info
Dr. Brent A. Wilson, Interim Superintendent of Schools
Welcome to the School City of Hammond! I appreciate your interest in our school corporation and hope that you find the information contained in this website to be helpful. Hammond, Indiana is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. The School City of Hammond offers an outstanding education to each and every child that it serves. Our mission is built upon on our rich history and proud legacy of success. We empower our diverse group of scholars by advocating for and providing equitable educational outcomes.
Our school district consists of an early learning center, nine elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, and a career center. Each school offers a challenging curriculum that is aligned with national, state, and district standards. Our comprehensive programs support exploration, creativity, and individual development while offering instructional support for every student. The School City of Hammond also provides excellent opportunities for our students to participate in performing arts, academic competitions, student organizations, athletics, and numerous other student-centered activities.
We believe that positive and inclusive learning environments build on the ability of all students to be healthy, confident, socially responsible, critical thinkers, and problem solvers. Our quality team of outstanding teachers, support staff, administrators, and school board members are committed to providing the best learning opportunities possible for our students, but their hard work and dedication are only part of the equation. It takes the support and involvement of parents for their children to reach their full potential. Together, as a team, we will deliver the quality education that our children need to be successful.
Thank you for visiting our website. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to receive additional information about our school district.
Dr. Brent A. Wilson
Interim Superintendent
Interim Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent of Operations/CFO
Building and Grounds
Central Files
Financial Services
Health Services
Safety, Security and Energy
Student Services
Title IX
Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services
Adult Education
Curriculum (Elementary and Secondary)
Hammond Early Learning Center
Language Development Program
Special Education
Title I
- 2022 - 2023 Contracts
- 2024 - 2025 Contracts
- Master Teacher's Contract
- Custodian Contract
Director of Technology
Director of Early Learning
Executive Director, Exceptional Learners
Director of Transportation
Executive Director of Business Services
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