Area Career Center
Work Ethics
All Area Career Center students are encouraged to participate in the Work Ethics Certification.
Why Work Ethic Certification?
- Employers have indicated that mastery of Work Ethic Skills is one of the top characteristics needed in employees.
- One of the fundamental goals of Northwest Indiana Workforce Board is to produce an emerging workforce that has the 21st Century skills needed to face the challenges of a global marketplace.
- Governor's Work Ethics Fulfills Graduation Pathway second requirement - Learn and Demonstrate Employability Skills
What is the Work Ethic Certification?
- A filter for employers when hiring or selecting candidates
- A common identifiable metric of work habits
- A credential demonstrating knowledge of skills, abilities and commitment to work
- Development of needed behavioral characteristics in emerging workforce
Who is eligible to earn a Work Ethic Certificate?
- High school students who demonstrate mastery of 10 employer expectations (see Employer Expectations File) by receiving a score of 8 or higher on four adult evaluation forms.
- Area Career Center attendance of 95% for regional work ethics and 98% for Governor's (seniors only)
- No more than one disciplinary referral
- Completion of six hours of community service
- Governor's only - home school GPA of 2.0
Student Steps to Participate
- Complete online "Intent to Participate" form by September 25th (see link above)
- Receive "Student Evaluation," "Adult Evaluation," and "Community Service" forms
- Complete "BEG" column of "Student Evaluation" (By October 2024)
- Identify 4 adult evaluators
- Begin completing 6 hours of community service
- Complete "MID" column of "Student Evaluation" (In January 2025)
- Deliver and collect 4 adult evaluations
- Complete "END" column of "Student Evaluation" (In April 2025)
- Submit: "Student Evaluation," "Adult Evaluation," and "Community Service" forms to Student Services (Room 105) By April 7, 2025

It is the policy of the Area Career Center (ACC) not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its career and technical education programs, services, and activities, including employment policies and practices. The ACC will take steps to assure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the ACC's career and technical education programs. For information regarding nondiscrimination policies, please contact:
LaTerra Smith, TitleIX/Section 504 Coordinator,
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